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Matt Shaw

Operations Manager


From meager beginnings as a clerk, in a fledgling agency (Allstates Transportation) for Ty Pruitt Trucking in 1988, transitioning to working in same capacity to a Landstar company (Ligon), to Shuttle Express (Fullmer brother), to most recent position held with Aqua Gulf Xpress, Inc. All these opportunities have allowed me to grow as a transportation expert and hone my skills in services needed in this industry to be the best at what I do and services that I can offer to my base. I have been on the service end of this industry, seeing changes as Navieras de Puerto Rico (PRMMI< NPR, Inc.) ended operations, Horizon Lines (Sealand Services<CSX Lines) until it's closing, from the beginning of Sea Barge (to Sea Star transition) until today's current Tote, Inc and throughout the constant ebb and flow of Crowley Maritime and their vast services. I've met every one of these challenges and was a front-runner to provide the best service in the industry during the most challenging times. I am again here before you with my newest venture and vision with these combinations of past and thoughts for the industries future with new challenges ahead. I look forward given the opportunity to be your Wheels del Caribe once again.

Sincerely your friend and contemporary in the trade.